i-Tree Leeds: Community Information & Training Day 2
- Date
- Saturday 11 August 2018
- Location
- 10 am - 12 pm; Middleton Park Visitor Centre, LS10 3SH
Urban green spaces such as gardens, parks and woodlands provide many benefits to people and vital habitats for wildlife. Urban vegetation stores carbon, helping to mitigate climate change, and reduces the likelihood of flooding by storing excess rain water. Trees and green spaces can improve air quality, limit the impact of heatwaves, encourage people to undertake physical activity and reduce depression. However, these benefits are difficult to quantify and compare to other, more easily monetised, uses of land.
Together with the United Bank of Carbon, Leeds City Council and The Woodland Trust we are undertaking the i-Tree Leeds project to survey and try to put a more appropriate value on the trees of the city!
Join us on the 11th August to hear more about the project, find out what we've done so far and learn tree surveying techniques. On the day you will be contributing to our survey of trees in the Middleton area of Leeds but you will learn skills that you can take back to your local park or green space.
Register here: bit.ly/iTreeLeeds, any questions - contact us at: itreeleeds@unitedbankofcarbon.com