LEAF Knowledge Exchange
- Date
- Wednesday 3 November 2021, 1 - 2 pm
- Location
- MS Teams
The aim of LEAF Knowledge Exchange is to connect those researching trees and forests, across departments, and to learn from each other with an informal discussion session.
These are fortnightly sessions, taking place online via MS Teams on Wednesdays from 1-2pm. We will invite attendees to take it in turns to present their research, have a discussion, review a policy document or anything else you think would be useful/interesting.
The first of these ‘LEAF Knowledge Exchange’ sessions will take place on the 3rd November. We hope that this can be an introductory session so that we can all get to know each other and our research areas. From then on, we hope to fill the timetable with volunteers to present their work.
If you would like to be part of this, please OPT IN by emailing Hazel Mooney (ee16hm@leeds.ac.uk) and we can add you to the Teams channel. Even if you can’t attend the first session, we would love you to join when you can.