We're excited to announce that we will be hosting a miniature conference on campus for those working with trees and forests on January 20th 2025! The day will include a series of talks, highlighting the research being undertaken across the university and by select external partners. There will also be posters, opportunities to network (free...
An evening of natural sciences! Pint of Science brings scientific talks into public venues like pubs and cafés.
Be Curious Live is the University's annual research open day especially for families. LEAF will be there with activities around tree growth and planting!
Forestry Commission Webinar, in partnership with University of Leeds and the White Rose Forest.
LEAF will be attending the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Science Fair at Leeds City Museum on Saturday 11th of March. The LEAF stall will include guides to urban trees and our campus tree trail, as well as a crafting activity in which attendees can paint light sensitive pictures of trees.
The White Rose Forest (WRF) Community Forest has set out an Action Plan for tree planting and woodland creation across West and North Yorkshire between 2021 – 2025. The UBoC team at the University of Leeds was commissioned by the White Rose Forest to assess how much carbon could potentially be removed from the atmosphere...
The aim of LEAF Knowledge Exchange is to connect those researching trees and forests, across departments, and to learn from each other with an informal discussion session. These are fortnightly sessions, taking place online via MS Teams on Wednesdays from 1-2pm. We will invite attendees to take it in turns to present their research, have...
As part of the 'Ask the Researchers: Achieving Net-Zero' series, Dr Cat Scott will be talking to us about the contribution of trees and forests in local and national plans can make to achieving net-zero. Tree planting and landscape restoration has become a common response in society to contributing to the mitigation of climate change,...