LEAF Launch
- Date
- Monday 24 November 2014
- Location
- School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
The launch event for the Leeds Ecosystem, Atmosphere and Forest (LEAF) research centre will take place on Monday 24th November at the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds (Level 8 Seminar Rooms).
1.30 pm, Coffee,
2.00 pm, Introduction to LEAF, Dominick Spracklen - School of Earth & Environment
2.10 pm, Diverse Fates of Degraded Tropical Forests, Keith Hamer - School of Biology
2.30 pm, Climate Compatible Development in Southern Africa, Jen Dyer - School of Earth & Environment
2.50 pm, ForestPlots.net: A Research Tool for Tropical Forest Tree Data, Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez - School of Geography
3.10 pm, The United Bank of Carbon, Jonathan Wild - UBoC Chairman
3.20 pm, The Yorkshire Rainforest Project, Samantha Gibson - Bettys and Taylors Group
3.30 pm, Coffee,
3.50 pm, Understanding the Oxidising Capacity in Tropical Forests, Lisa Whalley - School of Chemistry
4.10 pm, 'These Trees Shall be my Books': British Forests\, Literature\, and the Humanities, Amy Cutler - School of English
4.30 pm, Big Questions in Forest Research: A School of Geography Perspective, David Galbraith - School of Geography
4.50 pm, Forest Impacts on Atmosphere\, Clouds\, and Climate, Catherine Scott - School of Earth and Environment
5.10 pm, Posters & refreshments,
Everyone is welcome! Please register here if you would like to attend.
For guidance, our poster boards are A0 portrait.